The Scottish Cavalier Club held it's Summer Open show at Haddington in East Lothian and this year the judge was Jeff Hindle (Ellisiana) from Darlington. Around midday, we were entertained by strains of the bagpipes coming from just outside the Corn Exchange where the show was held. It was the start of a parade by the Haddington Pipe Band. Inside the hall it was just as entertaining with fab food, great chat and very generous minded exhibitors who clapped enthusiastically for all of Jeff's winners. A lovely show with a good atmosphere and refreshing sportsmanship.
enjoy being there through these photos from Norma and Frank Ballantine
the main man....Judge Jeff Hindle
Hon President Marie McFarlane with son Callum and daughter Kirstie
Shug Baillie
Iris Soutar
Eileen Gaskell...Hon Treasurer
Linda Bibby, Lindsay Gow, Dave Smith
John Gaskell
Chairman - Dick Morrison
Janice Spark, Liz Smith (Hon Secretary) John Gaskell
Gladys Baillie...(Website and Puppy Register)
Pat Morris MRCVS
Elizabeth Cochrane, Frank BallantIne, Sheila Hindle, Carol McKenzie (Year Book Editor) Brenda Turnbull
double trouble...Brian Cochrane (Show Manager) and Shug Baillie
Dave Smith selling Callum some winning raffle tickets!
Ted Rogerson
10 year old Angus still loves his toys
Frank and Jean Ballantine
tea for two...Joyce and Alan Beattie
Dick Morrison, Mr and Mrs Carling, Liz McInally
Katie Sloan
E Runciman ?? Nancy Anderson
did you hear the one about.....
Norma and Allan Beattie
Sheila Hindle
Sue Levitt
..don't go away.....Jeff's winners coming next...