...just had to share with you, Libor's vision of a Cavalier supporter's badge....great idea.
On their way to Crufts 2013, Christine Groundwater and Donnie Borwick decided to tie the knot at Gretna Green in Scotland.
Christine and Donny and their Cavaliers live in Kirkwall which is the biggest town and capital of the Orkney Islands, off the coast of northern mainland Scotland.
History Of Gretna Green Weddings
Many couples have chosen to runaway to Gretna Green for their wedding. In 1754 Lord Hardwicke introduced an act Parliament which basically prevented anyone in England marrying under the age of 18 without their parent's approval. Nothing would stand in the way of young love, so when the brides and grooms learnt they could marry in Scotland provided they were over 16 they flocked to the nearest Scottish wedding venue which more often than not was Gretna Green.
In the early days the most important person in the village was the blacksmith and he also doubled as the local minister. Such was the volume of weddings taking place, he soon got tired of constantly having to change before conducting a wedding. Instead he took the couples into his workshop and performed a religious wedding ceremony over the anvil which is where the history of anvil weddings comes from. In 1940 all "irregular marriages" were stopped. However in 1994 the ministers once again started performing weddings outside of churches The tradition holds strong to this day, with as many as 5000 couples choosing to get married in Gretna Green each year.
The CKCS CLUBwas approached recently by Past Pleasures Ltd to
provide Cavaliers on each day over the Easter Weekend for an enactment
of Charles II and Queen Catherine of Braganza's honeymoon at Hampton
Court Palace in the year 1662. Charles also installed at the palace, his retired Mistress Barbara Villiers as Keeper and Chief Steward of the Mansion. Although he recognised no fewer than 14 illegitimate children, he never had a legitimate son or daughter to inherit his Kingdom. Charles was famous for his love of his Toy Spaniels and no wedding celebration would have been complete without them.
report and pics by Janet Taylor and Melissa Evans
The splendour of Hampton Court Palace
Andy Vella, Sheena Maclaine, Jan Taylor, Barbara Billington Melissa & Madeline Evans, Deirdre Thomas, Hilary Bartlett, John Hubbard brought along their Cavaliers to participate. The dogs were all handled by various actors/actresses who paraded
them around the courtyards during the day and talked to
the public whilst acting out their roles as the King, Queen, Nell Gwynn, lady in waiting etc. It was a very worthwhile exercise for all. It brought the
history to life, gained the engagement of the children, socialised the
dogs and promoted just how good they are as a breed with children.
His Majesty
'Edward' with Queen Catherine and 'Margot' with her Lady in Waiting
The wine fountain, used for
big celebrations. The wine started flowing and a glass of (freezing cold) red wine was enjoyed. One of the peasants was
pumping the wine into an earthenware pitcher and filling up the glasses.
This little girl kept coming to find the dogs, she just loved them. Seen here with Janet's 'Zoe'
Hampton Court is well worth a visit so if you are ever in the area.... Hampton Court Palace website
THE DELUXE IN champions
thank you to Frederic and L-F Photographie for these photos..
Int Champion ZIPPY PROKOPSKA HVEZDA (from Czech Republic)
Int Champion EROTICA DE CARTLEDGE (from France)
Int Champion CRAIGOWL SANTANA (from Germany)
Jenny Wightman (Kailyflee)has moved house and she can now be found
at 5, Fiddler's Lane. East Bergholt. Suffolk. CO7 6SJ
tel 01206 299203 and 07715929974. email
Since 2009, when the idea took shape, members of the Cavalier Chat Forum ( have donated £20 to the oldest Veteran Cavalier shown at each of the Club Championship shows. This has been a great success. To see the proud smile on the faces of the recipients is well worth it, I can
assure you. I doubt very much that the prize money is the
reason. More like just sheer pleasure and joy for the accolade being
bestowed on their very special senior who may or may not have won a class placing. The honour being they were the oldest there. Some have looked very fit despite their advancing years. 13 years plus has not been uncommon and I can honestly say the dogs all look like they enjoy their outing. So please think about it and if you have a golden oldie sitting on your sofa who might just like a trip out to a show, join us. We are not advocating dragging out frail, old timers who would rather be curled up at home, but the ones who are fit and would love the excursion. Photos of the winning recipients will appear in Chatterbox
2013 sees another crop of donations:-
West of England CKCSC- won by Ruth and John Conneally'sPebblecombe Poetess of Coedgwylum, born 9th July 2000 .......award donated by Rosemary Powell
CKCS Club - won by Mark Sedgwick and Michael Levy'sCh Pascavale Krystle, born 26th June 2002 ......award donated by Rachel Surman
Southern CKCSC- won byKay Rolandi'sHoneybet Harvey Nichols born 15th July 2002 ....award donated by Mary Cunningham
Eastern -Steve Mynott and Maryann Hogan
Northern Ireland -Elspeth Glenn
Humberside - Linda Flynn
Northern -Annette Jones
EXTRA SHOW this year hosted by Eastern Counties Club -Dennis and Tina Homes
Scottish -Pat Morris
South and West Wales -Betty Storar
Midland - Flo Sinclair
'Daniel' taking a nap
waiting for his Veteran class at the Southern Cavalier show ... where he proudly won the £20 cash award donated by Mary Cunningham (Verheyen), for the oldest Cavalier. 'Daniel' aka Honeybet Harvey Nichols was born on 15th July 2002 and is owned by Kay Rolandi and bred by Steve and Marian Mynott.
Winners at the Championship show
Stephen Goodwin with Best Veteran,
Lucy Koster with Best Dog and Best in Show,
Bob Payne (bitch judge)
Sheena Maclaine with Best Bitch
Jeanne Boyd (dog judge)
Anne Blackburn with Best Puppy
Here is the route map. The run is round a rather large hill in Edinburgh - so it's not easy!
Some trivia :-
That rather large hill seen here is called Arthur's Seat, situated in the centre of the city of Edinburgh about a mile to the east of Edinburgh Castle. The hill rises above the city to a height of 250.5 m (822 ft)
It is often mentioned as one of the possible locations for Camelot, the legendary castle and court of King Arthur.
In 1836 five boys hunting for rabbits found a set of 17 miniature coffins containing small wooden figures in a cave on the crags of Arthur's Seat. The purpose has remained a mystery ever since the discovery. The contemporary belief was that they were made for witchcraft, though more recently it has been suggested that they might be connected with the murders committed by Burke and Hare in 1828...
CKCSC Ch Mimric Consensus owned by Ricky Perkins and Mimi Hodges
AKC/CKCSC Ch Rokirk Rave
Review owned by Mimi Hodges and David Kirkland
The Northern Cavalier Club is holding its AGM and Supermatch on 21st April at Pool
Village Hall, Pool in Wharfdale, Leeds LS21 1LS. Invitations are being sent out
by post/email to those members who qualified at the Open show in January 2012
and the Christmas party in December 2012.
The day will commence at 11am with
the AGM, followed by a two-course lunch and then the Supermatch will start at
approximately 1.30pm. Tickets cost £6 50p, including lunch, and these are available
from Alison Walker or Lynn Crane and, for catering purposes tickets must be
purchased in advance.
This event is being run according to the Kennel Club
Rules and Regulations for Match meetings, which means that Challenge Certificate
winners are not eligible to compete. A “Mystery Judge”, known only to our
Chairman, will judge the Supermatch.
We do hope that you can come along and
join us. If you require any further information please telephone Alison on 01642
315754, or e-mail: