Kathy Jones lives in the North Island of New Zealand and one of her Cavaliers, Ch Shadola Limelight, appears in this documentary/film which follows Sir Ernest Shackleton's 1914 disastrous expedition to the South Pole. It was partly filmed at the lovely old gothic timber house - called Highwic in Newmarket, Auckland. 'Lily', who was mentioned in the credits, is now in her 9th year and retired from the show ring - but still travels with Kathy when she shows her other two Katric Cavaliers.
'Lily' winning at theTiki CKCS Club show under Karen Paul a couple of years ago.
and keeping in the theme of dressing up...
"Downton Abbey Cavalier Pawty”
The “pawty” was a fundraiser to cover the medical costs for five of the rescue dogs associated with the Greater Chicago Cavalier Rescue. Many of the dogs come with urgent health needs.
Volunteer and foster “mother” Karla McKanna of Joliet hosted the party at her “estate,” opened her swimming “pond” to all two- and four-legged guests and encouraged everyone to bask in the atmosphere of 1900s aristocracy. "Cavaliers are associated with English royalty so it tied in with the theme. It’s very fulfilling to watch the cavaliers we have helped blossom into pampered, loving pups. Many of them came from mills"
"Lady McKanna,” as she was known that day —
encouraged both humans and cavaliers to be dressed as lords, ladies or
servants. For a suggested donation of $10, guests could mill about the
lawn and enjoy assorted tea sandwiches, scones and lemon curd, fruit and
cheese, tea and Sangria.With 62 people and 63 cavaliers present, the “Downton Abbey” benefit raised $700. Good job, GCCR
Ian Willey (Penemma) and I travelled to Tvaaker near Gothenurg in the South of Sweden to judge at the Hallands kennelklubb show in July. Ian judged 75 Cavaliers on day one, whilst Jos Dekker from Holland judged the breed on day 2. My allotted breed was Chihuahuas. This is a popular well run show and sees many exhibitors from Norway and Denmark making the trip with their dogs.
Ian's Best of Breed was Ch Aranel Sirius (r) and Best Opposite from Denmark was Cava Choice Hot Constellation (l).
Jos chose Ch Aranel Sirius for BOS whilst her Best of Breed went to Ch Campanards Dream Rose.
Jos also judged Group 9 on day 1, and I was delighted to see my L/C Chihuahua take 2nd in strong competition.
...after the show.... .
it was time to catch up with Cavalier friends, Peter Gustafsson and Per Wallentin and Birgitta Kleveby and take in a spot of sightseeing around Gothenburg by boat
Peter Gustafsson....(he will never see 32 again!)
hey ho....here we go....
Nina Lindstroms' litter brother and sister
Best Puppy Dog - Chadyline Making Headlines
Best Puppy Bitch and BPIB - Chadyline True Bliss
Judge - Gordon Inglis with
Best Bitch and Best in Show - Ch Gentlelines Cosmonova (r)
Best Dog and Best Opposite - Magic Charm's Between The Buttons (l)
Flower power...
Jonathan McLennan and Cosmonova
Unni Olsen and Between the Buttons
Gun-Britt Kvart and Ch Gentlelines
Cosmetic who was 2nd Best Bitch - litter sister to Cosmonova
Ch Aranel Sirius - 2nd Best Dog
Anna Kihlgren and My Exotic World Rhapsody in Black - Bitch CC winner
Karin Andreasson with Kabonovas Jive Party - Dog RCC winner
Vouges Disturbia - Bitch RCC winner
Best Veteran - Kari Sundqvist's ruby Ch Longbody's Ruby Rooster aged 8
Best Opposite - Eva Grahn's black/tan Evamirs Black Beauty aged 11
Bruno Castro writes from Portugal.Here are the results of Lisbon International Show on 7th July 2013. Gayhalo Roulette (r) took Best of Breed and Gentle Dam de La Geode (l) went Best Opposite. The judge was Francesco Cochetti from Italy and this win gave 'Roulette' his Portugese Junior Champion title
AKC and CKCSC USA Ch Forestcreek Dream On of Pascavale has added a UK Ch title to those above and is the only American bred Cavalier to be made a Ch in the UK.
'Tyler' was bred by Kevin and Debra Cline
who live in Shreveport, Louisiana and is co owned and shown in the UK by Team Pascavale aka Mark, Michael and Aum.
Big congratulations to all involved in this achievement.
Reserve Winners Dog...Brookhaven Believe It Or Not
At the Estonian Cavalier Club show back in 2012, where Heather and Robert Lamont judged along with Philip Carthy and Sara Nordin, Best Black and Tan bitch
BEST JUNIOR (both days) Evidence Love Beauty Of Soul
Linda Halbert has asked if I could mention her friends Anne & Ian Gibb Stuart (Tangledwood Cavaliers). At the end of June their son Campbell had a life changing accident which has caused terrible brain injury and as you can understand has devastated his family and friends plus a couple of weeks ago Anne was rushed into hospital for emergency abdominal surgery. She is recovering at home now but faces more tests and maybe another operation. Linda writes "My family and I would like them to know they are in our thoughts and prayers and if anyone else would like to send them a card, their address is Mr & Mrs Gibb Stuart. Strathglass. Sorn Road. Catrine. Mauchline KA5 6NA. Scotland"